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business skills courses
Negotiation Strategies and Techniques
The course engages participants through a series of negotiation trials, providing valuable situational experience. You’ll discover the merits of thorough preparation as you identify and resolve issues and guide efforts toward measurable goals.Credits available
course delivery methods

In-Person Training

In-Person Training
Course synopsis
One of the most vital skills required in procurement is the ability to negotiate contracts effectively: contracts, in a wide range of settings, over large and small issues. This course provides a solid battery of strategies, tactics and skills that are effective in contract formation and contract administration negotiations. Every key phase of the negotiation process — from start to finish — is covered in this dynamic course, designed as a hands-on workshop that encourages participants to develop and test their skills.
The course engages participants through a series of negotiation trials, providing valuable situational experience. You’ll discover the merits of thorough preparation as you identify and resolve issues and guide efforts toward measurable goals. This step-by-step preparation process focuses the participant on setting organizational priorities, positioning to exert influence and achieve organizational goals, and developing the ability to synchronize the outcome of the negotiation process with the needs of their organization.
It is essential that contract personnel not only be able to plan for a negotiation, but also be able to lead it. During this course, you’ll have the opportunity practice new tools and techniques for leading a negotiation.
In-class exercises will provide insights into individual personality as it relates to natural negotiation style. You’ll perform a series of increasingly challenging negotiations, which will be videotaped to offer immediate feedback on your negotiation skills and invaluable experience in putting theory into practice.
The new skills you gain from this course can be immediately applied to other contracting situations in which formal and informal negotiations of all varieties take place. And, upon re-entering your organization after the course, you’ll be equipped to profile other negotiators, which is useful in diagnosing skills and improving performance in future negotiations.
you will learn
- Strategize and prepare for contract negotiations
- Use proven techniques for conducting a negotiation session
- Understand your strengths and use them to your advantage at the negotiating table
- Use 65 proven techniques for influencing the other party
- Maximize key listening and question - asking skills that get you the information you need